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Judges Needed for New York City Science and Engineering Fair

  The New York City Science and Engineering Fair for NYC High School students is, for the first year, sponsored by the City University of New York under the auspices of the CUNY College Now Program (which I work for). The Science Fair is looking for judges in fourteen areas, ...

Come See A Walk to Beautiful-Feb 13th

Come See A Walk to Beautiful-Feb 13thAs a Yale graduate working at Engel Entertainment, a non-fiction production company in New York, I am pleased to invite you to see our award-winning documentary, A Walk to Beautiful, on the big screen. A Walk to Beautiful follows five Ethiopian women who suffer from devastating childbirth injuries as they ...

Jokes, Puns, Funnies

"Dubbya" on Global Warming



Hillary Clinton Spoof

This Timothy Cooper video is sweeping the Internets after YouTube featured it. ...


Daily Notes, Musings and Thoughts Online

Coffee not Kitsch

Image of  a Cup of Coffee1989: Potato, Shiitake and Brie Gratin

writes Amanda Hesser: that lover of Mr. Latte

and mocks brie,

for some friskier Freds

named Stichelton and Garrotxa

-- now there are names

i could give my kid


Real Life Journey

Real Life Journey"I might as well settle in," Anna told me one fall day in 1993.  We had both moved to New York along with about a quarter of our graduating class the year before. "I kept thinking I would start my life someday, and was living out of boxes, ...

Old List of Articles

Articles by Cyprian

Embedding CSS in a Post

Add CSS inline html: <style type='text/css'> sytle from .css </style> Or like this within a div: style="border: 1px; " An example: class .intro ‘Rather than a mass customer base, advertising on these blogs gives lobbyists unbridled access to an extremely valuable audience: Britain’s political elite’ <font style="margin:0px; margin-bottom: 9px; padding:0px; ...

Does Love Have No Balls Anymore?

Does Love Have No Balls Anymore?Why are the thoughtful protests these days by comedians?  NY Times reports: Fort Benning Protest Dwindles There seem to be plenty of reactive retro-angry provincialist protests, but what happened to the transformationalists?  There's plenty to worry about that is keeping us away from a better world, so who's agitating ...

Want to be happier? Check out this blog!

Yale College (Silliman) '89 /Yale Law School '94 Fellow Yale alums -- I'm working on a book, THE HAPPINESS PROJECT, about the year I spent test-driving the wisdom of the ages and the current scientific studies about how to be happier -- I report on what works and what doesn't. Come ...

The Declining Power of The Firm

The Declining Power of The FirmWe're a long way from Firms becoming not powerful.  The fact that power flows to the center and the reach of an existing power base and known channels of distribution are not going to evaporate. So News of the demise of the Firm is clearly premature.  But the ...

Thriving with the Social Internet

Thriving in the New Social Internet The new social world of the internet represents far more than finding a friend on Facebook or keeping a diary on line for anyone to see. New Web technology, also referred to as social media or Web 2.0, is unstoppably shifting the way ...


Utopia Light On The Hill When Barak Obama said recently that we cannot only talk to our friends but must also be willing sometimes to talk with our enemies, when he implied that talking could prevent increased conflict and when he explained that additional personal intervention in diplomatic dialog would be ...

A Diverse Family at the YAAMNY 2008 Strategic Planning Retreat

Over 50 people showed up this Friday night and Saturday to discuss what YAAMNY could and should be.  32 of us were current board members, advisers, former YAAMNY leaders and alums new to YAAMNY.  The additional attendees were spouses, kids and AYA Staff.

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Holiday Potluck 2008

Holiday Potluck 2008 Invites You to Our First Holiday  Potluck Supper December 20 3:00 p.m.  87 Royce Brook Road  Hillsborough, New Jersey The frivolity starts at 3:00 and potluck supper at 4:00 Please let Bonnie or Dana know what you plan to bring!     We are planning ...

Editor's Note November 2008


Have you noticed the changing leaves are especially radiant this fall?  Perhaps the leaves are hanging on a little longer and the reds and ambers have just enough life in the leaves to glow.  Or perhaps they are resonating with the political moment, CHANGE.  Rebublican, Democrat or undecided all seem intent on the thought.  So perhaps the leaves are singing that message too.

I wonder sometimes how change became the banner of the two parties.  Wouldn't I rather see "Vote McCain for Paradise Now?"  Change only tells me what I'm leaving, not where I'm going.   

Yale, when I arrived at 18, seemed immutable, monolithic and anti-change.   Hadn't it been as I found it for 300 years?   But having been involved with Yale now for 20 years, I've come to see the extent to which Yale is the result of an incredible diversity  of voices sounding and sometimes clamoring across time, space and context.  All change Yale in their own ways, big and small.

And it has been the commitment to the ideals of excellence, discernment and truth in those voices that has made Yale adapt so well and be as great as it is.  They may make a bad political bumper sticker, but those ideals make the change for the best at Yale, in NY and in the world.  YAAMNY exists to help in some small way make change for the for the better in NY.  And I hope you will make change yours and for the best on election day and every day in the communities where you live.

Universal Wisdome copied from MS Outlook

 A Reading from the Isha Upanishad   The Self is one, unmoving, swifter than the mind.  The senses lag, but the It moves ahead.  Unmoving, it outruns pursuers.  It being there, Air[1] supports all activities.   Unmoving, it moves. It is far away, yet near. It is ...




Before you take off for the long weekend, we wanted to make sure you heard about the very cool end-of-summer rooftop party with UPenn, Northwestern and Notre Dame at the swanky Maritime Hotel on Sept. 2. PLUS on Sept. 9, there's a special Young Alumni Welcome to NYC reception at the Yale Club. See below for more details! Have a great Labor Day!

Why The Mission Matters

A good friend who is also a Camaldolese Monk, was visiting us this weekend.  Like so many of us, our friend lives in a wonderful nexus of contradictions.  Not only is he a monk, but he travels the world, singing and teaching about the monastic life.   Traveling and being ...

Never trust user input

One of the most common security issues I see in code from new web developers (and even some experienced ones) is not sanitizing user input. They trust user input to have always come from a non-adversarial user interacting with the site through a web browser. Given the HTTP(S) protocol, there is ...

Thriving in the Social Internet

These notes are in preparation for the Einstein Alley Panel June 23, 2008. The wall street journal reports today that medieval jousting is back in vogue in Europe. What's interesting to me about this is that the reporter Max Colchester specifically credits the internet with bringing jousting back to ...

Watching your code execute

When I was a younger (and more foolish programmer) I was fortunate enough to learn from some talented software developers. One of the many important lessons I learned was the benefits of watching your code excute. Now, to some, that may sound as exciting as watching the grass grow. But ...

Alberto Molina on Einstein Alley Panel on Thriving in the New Social Internet

  Join me June 23, 2008 for a very interesting discussion on society, business and technology: Topic:       Thriving in the New Social Internet Speakers:  Dr. Charles Kreitzberg. Alberto Molina, Anne Kreitzberg Location:  Sante Fe Grille – Upstairs private dining room Date:       Monday June 23, 2008 Time:       6:00 – 8:00 PM ...

Service Outage for Hosted Microsoft Exchange

Service Outage for Hosted Microsoft ExchangeService Outage for Hosted Microsoft Exchange Services Due to Thunderstorm at Data Center - July 6, 2008 (One Hour and 28 Minutes) This morning, we experienced a service outage starting at 8:42 AM EDT. Service to most customers  was restored by 9:55 AM, with all customers having full service by 10:10 ...

Book Review: The Security Development Lifecycle

Security is something that is very important in all kinds of applications today. I have many more articles I want to write about security (particularly since we fixed a recent security hole). I'm going to start, however, with a review of one of two books I read recently on security. ...

Book Review: Secure Coding: Principles and Practices

Last time I reviewed one of two books on security that I had recently read. This time I'll review the other book - Secure Coding: Princeiples & Practices by Mark G. Graff and Kenneth R. van Wyk (and published by O'Reilly which puts out excellent books in general). This ...

Why am I Blogging?

A reasonable question to ask really. My main audience at this point is the development staff at Topaz Group. We are separated both by space and time. By space, because we are spread out and do not share offices or even the same area code. By time because I know ...

Editor's Note May 2008


Last month we promised a party and we're delivering TWO.  My Luu's Spring Fling is sold out, and the very next day, Amanda Taffy has been working hard on a Best Buddies benefit at Plumm.  The Events  calendar is full of excuses to get together.

Your participation is THE KEY to this and many many thanks are due to the 50 Alums and friends who took a couple days out last week to work on the strategic planning retreat for YAAMNY.

In addition to the several key initiatives coming out of that retreat I'd like to specifically highlight Doreen Oliver's new leadership of the Arts and Entertainment group  and Amanda Taffy's continuing work in the Public Service group - details below.  If you would like to work on other important events, such as professional development events and talks, please get in touch with us!

Last but not least please have a look at Jaradoa Theatre's new production: The Small of Her Back which opens tomorrow and is hosting a special YAAMNY night May 19th.  And for an extra special treat, see below for a very limited seating dinner with the founders of Jaradoa hosted by yours truly.

The Great Inclusion - Politicians, Doers and Bureaucrats

Do-ocracy Nicole Possin '94 attended a reception last March 31 where we were discussing some of the ideas of what YAAMNY should be and she stood up and described YAAMNY as a potential "Do-ocracy."  An institution, I gathered, dedicated to enabling other people to "DO" and organize around whatever ...

YAAMNY 2008 Strategic Planning Retreat Reflections by Nicole Rose

This weekend I am having the experience of coming together with diverse members of the Yale Alumni community of New York in a discussion that is encouraging the expansion of ideas through an all day strategic planning session directed at developing a scope of vision and objectives for YAAMNY. The ...

Organizing YAAMNY Stretegic Planning Retreat

It's an exciting time for YAAMNY as we develop the Agenda for our Strategic Planning retreat this weekend. I spent this morning working with Jenny on formulating the goal and deliverables for the weekend.  It's incredibly interesting to work on figuring out how to adapt our currently completely virtual ...

Hosting is Our Cup of Tea

Hosting is Our Cup of TeaTalking not Terrabytes ... When we think of hosting we think of having guests at our house.  We think of music to play and finger food. Our business is taking the time to understand the equivalent of tea time in the digital age.  Our business is communication, the kind ...

9 Planets and the Doctrine of Preemptive Strike

9 Planets and the Doctrine of Preemptive StrikeThe Doctrine of Preemptive Strike One evening in 2002 a friend of mine was home in New York form his job at the Department of Justice and we met for a drink at the Four Seasons.  The DOJ is in one of these buildings that embodies mega institution.  ...

Metrics For Success

AYA LEADERSHIP FORUM January 24 26, 2008 Session Notes   Module 3: Good to Great and Metrics for Success   What is your hedgehog? How do we measure success in Yale Clubs? % dues participation % event participation Level of buzz Finding positive deviants & acknowledging them Representing Yales diversity ...

Volunteer Motivation and Management

AYA LEADERSHIP FORUM January 24 26, 2008 Session Notes   Module 3: Volunteer Motivation and Management Why do people volunteer? Self-interest Caring Shared values Makes them feel good Outlet/opportunity to contribute Honor your Yale experience & those expanded horizons Pride Community of shared interests Appearances Peer pressure Obligation Networking Tangible ...

AYA Leadership Forum Notes

AYA LEADERSHIP FORUM January 24 26, 2008 Session Notes    Module 3: Volunteer Motivation and Management Why do people volunteer?  Connections Self-interest Caring Understanding of mission Shared values Makes them feel good Outlet/opportunity to contribute Honor your Yale experience & those expanded horizons Pride Community of shared interests Appearances ...

Party Lessons from The Club of Southern California

The Y.C. of SoCal just threw a party at the Rainbow Lounge in Hollywood. It was the first time we brought dry ice into a night club. Here's why we're never going to do that again:  

Using Cisco VPN Client for Mac OSX

Dread Error 51: Unable to communicate with the VPN subsytem See the screengrab below  and the discussion on   Solution I lived with this error for a couple of weeks and resorted, ridiculously, to submitting work to the server via ftp. It finally occurred to me maybe I ...

Kevin Lezak's Smokin' Director Reel

      Writer/Director/Producer Reel   Recent work. To check me out, please contact: This email address is hidden from email harvesters via JavaScript    

iphone and ipod resolution size

From Mac Forums 08-20-2007, 10:21 AM   #8 Avatar74 vbmenu_register("postmenu_4070231", true); macrumors 6502     Join Date: Feb 2007   Quote: Originally Posted by Don Bagles I don't get it. Handbrake's iPhone preset has the video at 480 horizontal pixels. Can't the iPhone display alot more than that? What's the ...

Next Level Start Ups

The next generation of web start ups is going to be younger and more specialized. They are also going to be cheaper. It has become easier to get a website, for less than ten dollars you can register your domain name and hosting can be had for as little ...

What Would Caveman Do?

What Would Caveman Do?Being Catholic, I always wonder when I see those bumper stickers: "What would Jesus Do?"  Considering Jesus supposedly never had sex, was apparently infallible, and didn't seem taken up in basic biology, like getting constipated or the reverse, that tend to rule my day to day, I especially wonder ...

Surrender to Terror

Mitt Romney quit the presidential race yesterday. “In this time of war, I feel I now have to stand aside,” Romney said. “If I fight on in my campaign, all the way to the convention, I would forestall the launch of a national campaign and make it more likely ...

Num Lock Getting Stuck on a Macintosh

I couldn't get the Numbers keys on my apple keyboard to work, nothing I could do seemed to help.  The digits refused to work. Every time I hit the "clear" button, which is the apple equivalent of Num Lock, I got a little squat sound like the fart of ...

Blog And Other Writings

===For daily reflections visit my [ Blog]=== ===For articles from the past several years, see [[Articles]]===

ESPN Arcade Direct Links

ESPN Arcade Direct Links Bar Sports   Arena Games ESPNZone Bar Sports   ESPNArcade Locker Room Air Hockey   ESPN Throwdown Bar Curling   ESPN Power Hitter Coin Toss   ESPNArcade Basketball     Willy On MySpace

Massmind Studio

MassMind studio is the newest division at Topaz Group, focused on premium look and feel interactive video games and multiplayer games. The studio leverages the TopazPort CMS/CRM platform to bring a robust community management infrastructure to games and online interactive events. The Studio currently publishes games developed by independent developers ...