To change subscriptions or groups a person belongs to:
- In the Admin Menu click allUsers
- Search for the User Name
- Click on the User Name
- Click Manage Subscriptions link at bottom

- Check or uncheck the mailing group(s)
To edit a user information (address, password, change email)
- In the Admin Menu click allUsers
- Search for the User Name
- Click edit on the far right column (cloumn title is user info) next to user name
- Update information and click save
To remove a user from the system altogether (strongly unadvised since they could accidentally then get added back in and readded to a mailing list they already asked to be removed from)
- Be SURE it is the right user
- Find their exact User ID by Searching for User by Name and you will see User ID next to their name in search
- Email
This email address is hidden from email harvesters via JavaScript
to ask for that user ID to be removed from the system. Include the user name so we can do a cross check when we remove.