
http://www.escende.com/massmind/massmind.htm & http://www.escende.com/massmind/yaamny.htm -

a total of nine (9) modal comps (and notes) for your viewing pleasure...


2 modal ideas with massmind background: http://www.escende.com/massmind/massmind.htm

same 2 modal ideas with yaamny background: http://www.escende.com/massmind/yaamny.htm - 'z index' of the yaamny menu causes it to bleed through the modal box. I'm sure I can tweak the css to get it to display properly, but you can get a good idea in the meantime.

Collapse/expand icon altered to closely resemble 'what's this' symbol. Re-added newspaper image. Rounded and texturized the menu buttons on Modal 1, though I am much happier with the navigation option used on Modal 2.

Not really sure what color palate you're seeing on original modalBox.htm as it renders differently in various browsers. I can say that the page called when the modal is activated is http://www.escende.com/massmind/tabs-6.htm


...more to come.


Older versions:
- coming at this from a different direction, starting with the menu functionality (still in its infancy): <a href="http://www.escende.com/massmind/test-8.htm">http://www.escende.com/massmind/test-8.htm</a> 

- moved admin-only (collapsible) area below wysiwyg: <a href="http://www.escende.com/massmind/massmind-embed-3.htm">http://www.escende.com/massmind/massmind-embed-3.htm</a> and with area not hidden or collapsible: <a href="http://www.escende.com/massmind/massmind-embed-noCollapse-2.htm">http://www.escende.com/massmind/massmind-embed-noCollapse-2.htm</a> 

12/3/07 - Embed with no collapsible panel (Tags &amp; Groups to be hidden based upon permission).  Enhanced button prominence, added arrow-tip to selected tab, moved red asterisk to before label, removed '*required' statement and added 'required' to tooltips: <a href="http://www.escende.com/massmind/massmind-embed-noCollapse.htm">http://www.escende.com/massmind/massmind-embed-noCollapse.htm</a> 

12/2/07 - Embed into massmind container with 600px wysiwyg: <a href="http://www.escende.com/massmind/massmind-embed.htm">http://www.escende.com/massmind/massmind-embed.htm</a> - I think 'Optional' bar is confusing when not open,  It may make a user think that everything below it is optional.  Might be best to simply show/hide based upon permissions, removing the sliding panel widget. 
